Lorraine B.
Odpovedá do 2 hodín, na 100% správLorraine B.
English Classes with a 🇨🇦 Canadian Native Speaker
- 1 odučená lekcia
- Doučuje aj online
- Od 26 €
- Preferované časy: poobede, večer
Ahoj! Hello! 👋 My name is Lorraine, your 1st class is FREE 🆓 with me. Classes are online through Zoom 💻 and specialized to help you accomplish your specific goals.🎯 I can teach you business English 💼, conversational English🗣️, writing 📝, speaking skills 💬, and beginner English too! I am here to support you to gain English language skills and confidence 😃, while learning comfortably without any pressure. 😊
About me: I was born and raised in Canada. 🇨🇦 I taught in a Canadian public school for 8 years. 🏫👩🏫
I have earned:
⭐ a Bachelor of Education Degree👩🎓
⭐150-hour TEFL Certificate 📜
⭐Teaching English Online TEFL Certificate
⭐ TESL Diploma👩🎓
I am:
✔️Internationally Certified Teacher of English as an Additional Language (ICTEAL)
✔️Ontario Certified English Language Teacher (OCELT) 🇨🇦
✔️Canadian Standard Two Certified
Please message with any questions, and to set up your first free class!
Thank you. Ďakujem.
Typy lekcií
Štandardná lekcia
Referencie (4)
+ Pridať referenciuMichal H.
Neoverená referenciaLorraine doucuje online nase deti uz takmer dva roky. Su to konverzacne hodiny, ktore detom velmi pomahaju orientovat sa v jazyku, viest konverzaciu na rozne temy, pohotovo reagovat a rozumiet native speakrovi. Lorraine je velmi pokojna a trpezliva, deti si ju oblubili a bez problemov a "frflania" sa samostatne pripajaju na lekcie. S Lorraine urcite budeme pokracovat aj nadalej.
Thank you Michal for your testimonial. It is appreciated. I really enjoy teaching your children and seeing their progress. Thank you for your kind words. Ďakujem ti za tvoje milé slová.
Matúš B.
Neoverená referenciaLorraine je trpezlivá a empatická. Necháva ma dohovoriť celé vety a neskáče mi do reči, prípadne ma až na konci opraví a vysvetlí mi, kde som spravil chybu. Hodiny sú v priateľskej atmosfére. Na tému, s ktorou mám problém a chcem ju preberať na ďalšej hodine si vždy pripraví podklady a dobre mi ju vysvetlí. Môžem odporučiť, prekonal som svoju hanbilovosť hovorenia v angličtine.
Thank you Matúš. I appreciate your reference and your kind words. You are speaking so wonderfully in English! 😊
Nikita Z.
Neoverená referenciaI can totally recommend Lorraine to everyone who desires to speak fluently in English. Personally, I have boosted my confidence and communication skills immensely throughout our classes. Also, If you want to advance your writings to a more academic level, I recommend Lorraine. The atmosphere during our lessons was always friendly and warm. I highly recommend Lorraine for both exam preparation and improvement in conventional English usage.
Thank you Nikita for the review. I appreciate your kind words! :) It has always been a pleasure watching you progress so well in our classes! Congratulations on your successes! :)
Kristína M.
Neoverená referenciaLorraine is a great teacher, actually a friend with whom I learn English mainly through communication. I recommend her especially to people from Slovakia who are afraid to speak English. Because that was exactly my case. Don't be afraid that you won´t understand Lorraine well. She is very patient and always explains everything well. She can help you with grammar, pronunciation and even with preparation for graduation from English. She is an amazing teacher and person. Lorraine je skvelá učiteľka, teda skôr kamarátka, s ktorou sa angličtinu učím hlavne formou komunikácie. Odporúčam ju najmä ľuďom zo Slovenska, ktorí sa boja rozprávať po anglicky. Pretože to bol presne môj prípad. Nebojte sa, že Lorraine nebudete dobre rozumieť. Je veľmi trpezlivá a vždy všetko dobre vysvetlí. Pomôže vám s gramatikou, výslovnosťou a dokonca aj s prípravou na maturitu z angličtiny. Je úžasná.
Thank you Kristina for the kind words. :) I appreciate it! You are doing wonderfully! It is a pleasure to have classes with you Kristina! :)
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