Jonathan B.
Odpovedá do 3 hodín, na 75% správJonathan B.
Španielsky a Anglický jazyk
- 14 odučených lekcií
- Doučuje aj španielsky jazyk online
- Od 12 €
- Preferované časy: večer
*Knock, knock*
- ¿Quién es? :0
- Your new Spanish teacher!! :D
Ahojte! I'm from México, so I'm a native Spanish speaker, and I've got more than 6 years of experience in English language.
I'd be glad to help you with your conversational English or Spanish, whether you need it to graduate from school, to use it in your job, or just to make random mexican jokes during a family meeting :D
(Grammar, vocabulary and expressions)
Since I'm a university student, I'd prefer online classes, but based on an agreement, we can meet personally in Bratislava.
Looking forward, ADIÓS!! :)
Typy lekcií
Trial lesson
Intermediate English or Spanish conversation to improve your speaking skills.
Anglický jazyk - Intermediate conversation
Conversation fully in English intended for those who need to reach an intermediate level.
Španielsky jazyk - Beginner from level 0
Classes provided in Spanish/English intended for those who are starting with the Spanish language from scratch.
Španielsky jazyk - Intermediate level
Classes fully provided in Spanish intended for those who would like to reach an intermediate level
Španielsky jazyk - Advanced/Nativo
Class fully provided in Spanish intended for those who want to reach a native level.
Anglický jazyk - Conversation for beginners
Basic conversation fully in English to develop speaking skills for beginners.