The verb 'to get' is very common for English speakers. I didn't even realize how common it really is until I became an English teacher.
Did you know that there are over 20 different ways that the verb 'to get' is used? It's true!
We add different prepositions or phrases, then the meaning is changed.
The root form of the verb ' to get' means 'to obtain'.
Example: I got a new cell phone yesterday.
There is also another use of 'to get'. It is 'to get used to'.
This is a very common expression, I actually use this verb regularly.
'To get used to' means: to be accustomed or comfortable with a person/situation/something.
I am getting used to my new job.
I got used to the loud music from the neighbours.
I will get used to the changes in the office.
These are just 2 of the many uses of the verb 'to get'. If you would like to know more, feel free to message me for English classes. I can help you master this interesting verb!
Thank you for reading.
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