Jeff H.

Jeff H.

Responds within 8 hrs, to 80% of messages
80% 8 hr
Accepts new students

Jeff H.

Accepts new students
  • Offers online lessons
  • Preferred times: mornings, midday, evenings
Preferred times: mornings, midday, evenings
Tutoring subjects:
Description References Photos & Certificates Answered questions


Teaching background: I've been an English tutor to Slovak clients for 10 years. I've met 1-to-1 and in groups with members of staff from T-Systems, NESS IT, as well as other companies. Currently meet exclusively with corporate and individual private clients throughout Slovakia.

Methodology and core target areas: Videos are watched together as the basis for interaction in real-world situations with a far-reaching focus on accurate full verbs & phrasal verbs, brought together with their often associated infinitives. The -ing form is used eight different ways in English, four of which are used everyday to make typical English constructions. The four most common -ing usages are practiced often. Also, adverbs and prepositions are needed to navigate spatially in the language, and tenses are covered too, all in real-time when those facets of English have to be quickly spoken.

Skills objectives: 1. Use descriptive verbs; 2. join complementing verbal infinitives with main verbs; 3. use the -ing form naturally; 4. use specific language, avoiding generalized descriptions; 5. associate articles and possessive determiners with their corresponding nouns; 6. use the five most common tenses smoothly, with an emphasis on pronouncing the right -ed sound for past simple verbs, which depends on which consonant comes at the end of that verb.

Services format: English sessions are offered online on Zoom using screen-share. Clients watch movies or television shows and talk about what is happening, describing many of the daily life activities and speaking contexts seen in the films or TV shows we have chosen to watch.

References (21)

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Matej Č.

Matej Č.

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Top ucitel anglictiny, uz som s nim 2hy rok.

Jozef J.

Jozef J.

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Pridávam sa k dlhému zoznamu pozitívnych hodnotení. Je obdivuhodné, že povolaním právnik vie byť aj vynikajúci učiteľ. Jeff je profesionál v každom ohľade. Skvele ovláda rodný jazyk a metodológiu výučby. Navyše, čo je z pohľadu študenta veľmi cenné, je trpezlivý pri odstraňovaní našich nedostatkov. Som veľmi rád že som ho stretol a že bol ochotný sa mi venovať. Vrelo ho odporúčam každému, kto to s angličtinou myslí vážne.

Miro O.

Miro O.

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Perfektne lekcie s Jeffom, vtipne, s dorazom na prirodzenu hovorovu anglictinu. Som velmi spokojny ☺

Jaroslav V.

Jaroslav V.

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Jeff je vynikajúci učiteľ, ktorý ponúka individuálny prístup podľa požiadaviek. Hodiny prebiehajú konverzáciou a rozoberaním situácií s orientáciou podľa požiadaviek klienta. Určite je vynikajúca možnosť vyskúšať si jednu hodinu, prediskutovať si predstavu a následne sa rozhodnúť. Určite veľmi doporučujem.

Veronika S.

Veronika S.

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nemozem napisat nic ine len ze som milo prekvapena a velmi spokojna ze ma presvedcil na tuto formu ucenia,, velmi prijemne vystupovanie, mily,trpezlivy a ustretovy . inu formu uz by som asi nechela,setrenie casu a ked ho ma niekto malo tak to oceni, mozem odporucit a davam vsetkych 10 :}

pictures and certificates

Answered questions (5)

This tutor has helped to answer these study questions

Jeff H.


Dobry den! Chcela by som sa podelit s jednym anglictinarskym orieskom. Dnes som totiz zazila mensiu pru s mojim vyucujucim, tak by som rada do hry prizvala tretiu osobu:). Vo vete: “They have spoken portuguese in this island for four centuries.” sme mali vyhladat podmet (they) a predmet, za ktory…

Jeff H.


Pomohli by ste mi s týmto prosím? Ďakujem :)

Jeff H.


Pomohli by ste mi s týmto prosím? Ďakujem :)

Jeff H.


8. 1. became 2. had been killing 3. was hiding 4. finally got 5.had been trying 6. was taking 7. created 8. had been fighting 9. were looking

Jeff H.


Pomohol by mi niekto s touto úlohou? ďakujem.