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anglický jazyk

Vedel by mi s tým prosím niekto pomoc

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3 odpovede
Ahoj, nejde o to ze ti to niekto vypracuje s ty to len odpíšeš do školy...!!!
Ty to musis chápať a precvicit si na potom to budeš realne vediet...
snáď pomôže:
My uncle didn´t want to move so he had lived in the same house for forty years.
There was no food in the house because I had forgotten to go to the supermarket.
My grandparents had never flighted before so they were nervous when they got on the plane.
When I got home my father was angry because I hadn´t phoned him.
They had already sold all the tickets so we didn´t get into the concert.
We didn´t have to queue in the restaurant because my uncle had reserved a table.
Anonymný autor
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