Nena T.

Nena T.

Відповідає протягом 2 годин на 80% повідомлень.
80% 2 год.
Приймає нових учнів

Nena T.

Приймає нових учнів

Learn English and Serbian with a professional and certified teacher and language coach

Ціна Від 20 €/год.
Бажаний час: утром, вдень, ввечері, у вихідні


Do you feel frustrated when you try to speak a second language and you know you use far too many Urmms and Errhs when trying to find the right word?
Many of my students have the same issue, and I have worked with them to figure out the best solution to solve the problem and get results.

I will work with you on achieving your goals, both personal and professional.

I have been working as a teacher for 18 years now and I teach children, teenagers, students, and adults. Whether you need to prepare for an exam, job interview, presentation, important business meeting, brush up on your grammar or improve your writing and speaking, or just have a conversation partner, I'm the right person for you!

Типи уроку

Štandardná lekcia

20 € / 55 хв.

фото та сертифікати