Margarita M. Особа підтверджена

Margarita M.

Відповідає протягом 1 години на 100% повідомлень.
100% 1 год.
Особа підтверджена
Безплатне пробне заняття

Margarita M.

Безплатне пробне заняття

American English ESL Teacher/Tutor

  • 5/5 (оцінка від 1 учня)
  • 3 проведених заняття
  • Пропонує онлайн-заняття
  • Від  15 €
  • Бажаний час: утром, вдень, ввечері
Ціна Від 15 €
Бажаний час: утром, вдень, ввечері
Опис Типи уроку Заявки Фото та Сертифікати Блоги Відповіді на запитання


Hello! My name is Margarita and I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, USA to Mexican parents. I speak two languages at a native bilingual level: English and Spanish. I speak French and sign American Sign Language and I'm currently learning Slovak passively, at a really slow pace.

I got my Bachelor's Degree in American Sign Language and my Master's Degree in Teaching English as a Second Language. Back in the US, I was an ESL teacher for 5 years. I've had students from all over the world whose ages range from 15-65. I've worked in both private and public sectors, in a class with several students and on a more personal level: 1-on-1.

My teaching approach is simple: adapt to my student's learning style. Every student learns differently and I aim to make it my goal to cater efficiency and effectiveness. I offer conversational English and Spanish. I also offer a more structured approach, that is, English grammar lessons through interactive activities, a focus on vocabulary and real-life English application. I am a huge fan of fun so I try to make my lessons engaging but also challenging.

I am also able to provide English for Specific Purposes i.e. workplace English, business English, slang, etc.

Shoot me a message if you think I might be a good fit for you.

Типи уроку

Trial lesson

This is a free trial lesson to see if I'm a good fit for your learning needs.

Безплатно / 30 хв.
English Conversation

I offer conversation at any level. I'm from Los Angeles, California, so expect a standard American accent. I go through a range of topics and use a personalized approach catered to your interests. Feel free to take a look at my qualifications on my profile. Thank you!

15 € / 60 хв.
Conversación en Español

Quieres platicar conmigo? O quizás quieres aprender frases basicas? Naci y creci en los E.E.U.U. en Los Angeles y mis padres son de Michoacan, Mexico. Con eso, soy 100% Mexicana y 100% Americana. Me encanta platicar con la gente y descubrir cosas nuevas. No seas malito, manda me un mensaje. Pero si a caso que no, no hay tos.

15 € / 60 хв.
English Grammar Lessons

These lessons include a structured grammar approach accompanied by interactive activities and conversational English.

20 € / 60 хв.
Peter L.

Peter L.

Неперевірена заявка

S Margaritou som absolvoval osobne niekoľko hodinín konverzacií s cieľom zlepšiť komunikáciu v angličtine. Rozhovory boli príjemné, Margarita pripravila rôzne témy a otázky. Niekedy sme sa len voľne rozprávali podľa toho čo ma zaujalo. Je možné sa tiež dozvedieť zaujímavosti, rozdiely medzi krajinami USA, Mexiko, Slovensko. Za mňa môžem odporučiť.

Відповідь репетитора:

Thank you Peter, that means a lot. I really enjoyed our conversations and I hope we get the chance to reconnect soon :)

фото та сертифікати

Блоги (1)

The 3 main F's of American Slang: Factors, Features, & Function

A: "I like ya cut, G."B: "Fo' real?"A: "Yeah, bro"B: "Aight, bet!"*    These are examples of colloquial slang primarily used in the…

Відповіді на запитання (2)

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