Military vocabulary

Military vocabulary

Опубліковано: 17. 3. 2022

Surely all of us have already heard about unfortunate events in the eastern Europe as topic of war in Ukraine prevails in all news. Since some of you may prefer foreign source of information I prepared this short vocab that may help you to understand.

1.ambush (concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surprise) - prepadnutie

2.antiaircraft (designed for defense from land against air attack) - protivzdušná obrana

3.alliance (the state of being joined in an association or coalition) - aliancia (a friendly nation) - spojenec

5.artillery(large but transportable guns) - delostrelectvo

6.barricade(a barrier to impede the advance of an enemy) - barikáda

7.blitzkrieg (a military offensive with intensive aerial bombardment) - blesková vojna

8.bullet - náboj

9.ceasefire-a temporary suspension of fighting, a truce - prímerie

10.combative (having or showing a ready disposition to fight) - bojovný, pripravený


12.convoy (the act of escorting while in transit) - konvoj

13.confinement (the state of being enclosed) - uväznenie

14.deploy (move (troops or equipment) into position for military action) - nasadiť

15.detain (cause to be slowed down or delayed) - zdržať, zadržať

16.deterrence (a negative motivational influence) - odrádzanie

17.detonate (cause to burst with a violent release of energy) - explodovať

18.evasion (the act of physically escaping from something) - únik (opak od invasion)

19.infantry (an army unit consisting of soldiers who fight on foot) - pechota

20.invade (march aggressively into a territory by military force) - vtrhnutie

21.Invasion (an act of marching aggressively into a territory by military force) - invázia

22.martial law - stanné právo

23.morale (a state of individual psychological well-being) - morálka

24.parley (a negotiation between enemies) - vyjednávanie

25.ration (a fixed portion that is allotted) - (napr. jedlo) na prídel

26.retaliation (action taken in return for an injury or offense) - odveta, odvetný útok

27.reinforcement (extra personnel sent to increase the strength of an army or similar

28.force) - posila

29.siege - obliehanie

30.besieged - okľúčený (an explosive artillery projectile or bomb) - strela, bomba

32.shellling - ostreľovanie, ďelostrelecká paľba

33.skirmish (a minor short-term fight) - malá bitka

34.trajectory (the path followed by an object moving through space) - trajektória


36.truce - prímerie

37.withdrawal (the act of pulling back) - ústup

38.wounded - zranený