Preklad slohu

Minulý piatok o 9. hodine ráno sa vo Vranove nad Topľou v kostole sv.Františka z Assisi konalo 30. výročie základnej školy sv. Dominika Sávia. Zišli sa tam všetci kňazi, ktorí dovtedy slúžili v tejto farnosti a taktiež bol pri sv. omši prítomný aj pomocný biskup Marek Forgáč, ktorý túto svätú omšu celebroval. Nemôžme zabúdať ani na veľmi vzácnu návštevu v podobe Vranovského primátora Jána Ragana a taktiež aj Prešovského župana Milana Majerského. Celé to trvalo asi 2 hodiny a 30 minút. Všetko to začalo svätou omšou, ktorá bola aj hudobne doprevádzaná malými deťmi, ale aj speváckym zborom žiakov z cirkevného gymnázia sv. Františka z Assisi. Po sv. omši prišiel na rad program. V programe vystupovali predovšetkým deti, ktoré navštevujú základnú školu sv. Dominika Sávia. Celý tento program bol doprevádzaný, znova žiakmi z cirkevného gymnázia sv. Františka z Assisi, či už to bolo v podobe čítania komentára alebo dokonca jeden zo žiakov v tomto programe stvárnil aj postavu kňaza. Keďže od tohto podujatia ubehol už dlhší čas, tak si všetko do detailu nepamätám a preto to tu nebudem nejako do detailov rozoberať.

4 відповідей
Last Friday at 9 a.m. in Vranov nad Topľou, the 30th anniversary of the St. Dominic Savio Elementary School was held at the Church of St. Francis of Assisi. All the priests who have served in the parish until then were present and also Auxiliary Bishop Marek Forgáč, who celebrated the Holy Mass, was also present at the Holy Mass. We cannot forget the very special visit of the Mayor of Vranov, Jan Ragan, and the Mayor of Prešov, Milan Majerský. The whole event lasted about 2 hours and 30 minutes. It all started with the Holy Mass, which was also accompanied musically by small children, as well as by the choir of pupils from the St. Francis of Assisi Ecclesiastical High School. After the Holy Mass, the programme came next. The program featured mainly children who attend St. Dominic Savio Elementary School. The whole program was accompanied, again by pupils from the St. Francis of Assisi Ecclesiastical School, whether it was in the form of a reading of a commentary or even one of the pupils in this program also portrayed the character of a priest. As it has been a long time since this event, I do not remember everything in detail and therefore I will not go into some detail here.
Last friday at 9am the 30th anniversary of primary school of Saint Dominic Sávia was held in Vranov nad Topľou in the church of Saint Francis of Assisi. All of the priests who had served in this parish and also saint auxiliary bishop Marek Forgáč was present who also attended this Holy Mass. We must not forget very rare visit in the form of the Mayor of Vranov Ján Ragan and also the Prešov County Mayor Milan Majerský. The whole thing took about 2 hours and 30 minutes. It all started with Holy Mass, which was accompanied with music by small children, but also by a choir of students from the church grammar school of Saint Francis of Assisi. After Holy Mass the program came. The program featured mainly children who attended the primary school of Saint Dominic Sávia. The whole program was accompanied, again by students from the church grammar school of Saint Francis of Assisi, whether in the form of a commentary or even one of the students in this program also played the character of a priest. Since it's been a long time since this event, I don't remember everything in detail and therefore I will not go into details.
Koniec by som minimálne takto preštylizovala aj obsahovo, aby to viedlo k uzavretiu témy.

....Having said that my recollections of the images has faded since a long time has passed so I cannot recall any more details from that event I can provide you with. But, it is likely that there will be some more organized by our school in future I can write more about.
BTW- je celkom schopný prekladač :-)