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Veronika J.
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2 відповідей
Turn left on the crossroad. There is only one person left in the room.
I like to train in the gym. My train was late.
The manager runs this office. I will go for a run this evening.
The rest of the group agreed with me. I am tired and need to rest.
This book is one of a kind. My classmate is very kind.
My flat has two bedrooms. The road in the town is flat.
My colleague was mean to me today. I mean that, you really are amazing.
He felt pain in his left side. His wife left him.
I took a train to Madrid. I'm training to become a nurse.
How fast can you run? She is running for mayor.
You bring these bags in, and I'll bring the rest. She went to her room to rest for a while.
“What kind of car do you drive?” It was very kind of you to show me the way.
Coins are usually round and flat. She wore a casual dress and flats to the show.
The abbreviation “U.S.” means “United States.” My boss is a mean and nasty old man who treats everyone badly.