Maroš J.

Maroš J.

Відповідає протягом 4 годин на 50% повідомлень.
50% 4 год.

Maroš J.

Бажаний час: утром, вдень, ввечері, у вихідні


Ahojte, v prvom rade, ak mate nejake otazky, velmi rad Vam ich zodpoviem.

Edukacne vzdelanie:
Maturita z Anglickeho jazyka, Matematiky, Informatiky a Slovenskeho jazyka (vsetko jednotky)
Statnica z anglickeho jazyka (vseobecna)
Odborna statnica v matematike z anglickeho jazyka (vid moje certifikaty)
Imperial College London - BSc. Mathematics with Statistics for Finance - first-class expected (prave som dokoncil tento bakalar, ocakavana znamka je 1)

Doucovanie je predovsetkym moj konicek, ktory robim s radostou, no kedze som dorazny, zodpovedny a cielavedomy, naozaj a velmi rad sa staram aj o edukacnu buducnost mojich doucujucich. Moju skusenost z doucovania som ziskal nie len pocas stredoskolskych casov, kedy som chodil na Bilingvalne gymnazium Milana Hodza, ale takisto pocas mojich troch rokov na londynskej vysokej skole Imperial College London, kde som studoval (a studujem) Mathematics with Statistics. Pocas tychto rokov som mal par desiatok zakladoskolskych, stredoskolskych aj vysokoskolskych studentov, ktorych som doucoval matiku (po anglicky) alebo len anglictinu (vacsinou islo o novych pristahovalcov do UK). Moj profil, ktory som si zalozil prave v Londyne, ma nasledovny (autenticky) opis:

Me, my experience, my attitude
I think of myself as a friendly, open-minded and life-enjoying person. I was born in Slovakia where I have successfully finished my bilingual high school and after careful preparation, I was accepted to Imperial College London for a degree Mathematics with Statistics for Finance. At the moment, I am finishing second year and will soon start to work in a statistics research (concretely Pseudo-Marginal Monte Carlo Methods). Due to my punctiliousness, I relish spending time by thinking about complex numerical and quantitative problems of all kind.
I am very pleased to cooporate, be challenged and share my thoughts with others.
Do not hesitate to ask me anything, I will be happy to answer!

My experience within tutoring sector is quite broad. I have been tutoring diverse subjects since elementary school, ranging from Slovak language through mathematics to chemistry. Now I am specialized for Mathematics only, as I think I have fully comprehended the GCSE/A-level and initial University math modules (from year 1 and 2), so that I am well equipped with relevant skills and knowledge.

I am very flexible with the tutoring scheme, depending on the preferences of the tutee in the first place.
In general, I prefer to start with recapping the previous session, where I particularly aim to find and clarify the final gaps in the subject, so that everything is obvious and hence the new session is understood smoothly and effectively. As an advanced mathematician, I have realised what are the main barriers in proper maths comprehension and which "tricks" and ideas can come very handy. The rest of the session is followed by intense and careful explanation of the topic, with well-built representative examples.
Overall, I could sum this up with four words defining my approach: Work hard, enjoy harder!
And if you still doubt, that is completely fine:
"Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater." Albert Einstein

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