Phrasal verbs part 2

Phrasal verbs part 2

Опубліковано: 26. 5. 2022

Ahojte, volám sa Martin a dnes by som Vám chcel opäť predstaviť ďalšie frázové slovesá. Frázové slovesá sú vyborný prostriedok ako zlepšiť Váš level jazyka, keďže native speaker-i ich použiváju neustále. V tomto zozname som si pre Vás pripravul 8 frázaliek, ktoré patria medzi najpoužívanejšie. So let´s get into it!

1)back [x] up

support or defend someone

When the class was making fun of me, only the teacher backed me up.

2)break down

stop working, especially when referring to machines

The ice cream machine at McDonalds is always breaking down.

3)call [x] off


We called the party off./We called off the party.

4)cheer [x] up

make someone happy, especially if they were previously sad

Reading always cheers me up on a rainy day.

5)come between

disturb a relationship

After more than fifty years of marriage, nothing could come between them.

6)come up

become the topic of discussionor receive attention

Everyone talked about how much they enjoyed the movie, but the run time never came up in the conversation.

7)count on

rely or depend on

If I’m ever making a mistake, I can count on my friends to warn me.

8)dress up

wear nice clothes or put forth in the best light

Abed dressed up for the award ceremony.