Dobrý deň, doplnil som úlohu správne? Ďakujem.

1. They still ___have not delivered___(deliver) the goods!
2. We ___painted___ the door when a bird ___hit the window. (paint/hit)
3. How long ____have you been learning___ English? (learn)
4. He ___ thinks__ he is very handsome. (think)
5. The children ___were making___ a mess in the kitchen all morning. (make)

6. Th elogical ____conclusion____is that she was stupid. (conclude)
7. His ______arrival___ brought complete silence to the room.
8. There will be a prize for the most __innovative___ design.
9. A great way to make the party ____forget___ is to have a theme for the night. (forget)
10. It seems ____imporable__ that the current situation will continue. (probably)

3 відповідей
nevidím zadanie úlohy, ale aby to dávalo zmysel z toho čo vidím :
2. we were painting the door when the bird hit
9. unforgettable
2. niečo sa stalo (a bird hit the window), zatiaľ čo sme vykonávali nejakú aktivitu (porozmýšľajte ešte raz nad časom aký použijete)
10. máte preklep v slovíčku, inak ste to dali s dobrou koncovkou = e
2.,9. ako vyššie
10. improbable