
Ahoj, kto by mi vedel prosím pomôcť?

Complete the questions for the answers.

1 ______________________________________?
We have English classes twice a week.
2 ______________________________________?
I’m emailing my brother.
3 ______________________________________?
I work about 35 hours a week.
4 ______________________________________?
No, I don’t eat meat, I’m a vegetarian.
5 ______________________________________?
They moved to London last October.
6 ______________________________________?
No, we didn’t play football yesterday, we went for a drink.
7 ______________________________________?
I like my job because I like working in a team.
8 ______________________________________?
He’s teaching English at a school in Venice.

4 відповідей
How many times a week you have theEnglish classes ?/How often do you have English classes?
Who are you emailing to ?
How many hours a week are you working?
Do you eat meat?
When did they move to London ?
Did you play football yesterday?
Why do you like your job?
Where is he teaching english ?
How often do you have an English classes? / What are you doing? Who are you emailg to? /how many hours do you work per week? / would you like some meat for the dinner?/ do you eat meat? / when did they move to London? / did you play football yesterday? / are there any reasons why do you like your job? Why do you like your job? / where does he teach an English? Where is he teaching english?
How many English classes do you have in a week? / To who are you sending an e-mail? To who are you sending an e-mail? / How many hours are you working in a week? / Do you having a meat for the dinner? / Are the still living in the same address? / Did you play a football ? / Why do you like your job? / What is the benefits , that you like your job? / Where does he teaches English lessons ?
Ahoj Anna,
ak sa chceš naučiť angličtinu, prelož si vety sama a daj si ich len opraviť, najlepšie sa naučíš na svojich chybách. Keď Ti to niekto preloží a Ty to len odpíšeš, nič si z toho nezapamätáš, takže Ti veľmi nepomohol...V prípade, že nevieš z toho vôbec nič, nájdi si doučovateľa a ak si ho nemôžeš finančne dovoliť, dohodni sa s 1-2 spolužiakmi, ktorí sú na tom podobne ako Ty a zložte sa. Vyber si kvalitného učiteľa, pretože keď pozerám na Tvoju domácu úlohu, ktorú Ti vypracovali dievčatá (Veronika, Sarah a Nadežda), tak vidím, že nie je učiteľ ako učiteľ. Prepáčte dievčatá, ale nesprávne sú vety "How many hours a week are you working?, How often do you have an English classes?, are there any reasons why do you like your job?, where does he teach an English?, To who are you sending an e-mail? / How many hours are you working in a week? / Do you having a meat for the dinner? / Are the still living in the same address? / Did you play a football ? / What is the benefits , that you like your job? / Where does he teaches English lessons ?
Nehnevajte sa prosím, ak som sa niekoho dotkla.