
Potrebujem pomôcť s týmto cvičením. Vopred veľmi pekne ďakujem

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6 відповідей
Treba si to vyskusat a aj s chybami dat sem, inak sa to nenaučis...
1 - put in
2 - come up with
3 - look into
4 - break down
5 - cut off
6 - get trough
7 - come on
Ak by si v budúcnosti potrebovala s nejakými cvičeniami pomôcť a dať ich skontrolovať, kľudne sa mi ozvi, rada pomôžem :)
1. put in
2. come up with
3. look into
4. breaks down
5. cut off
6. get through
7. come on
Ahoj Dia,

1 - put in
2 - come up with
3 - look into
4 - breaks down
5 - cut off
6 - get through
7 - come on

Zdraví ťa
Dagmar H.
Акаунт видалено
To know how phrasal verbs really work, look into the meanings behind each, because as natives we use them a lot. Copying down answers won’t help you learn the language any faster.
Anywho, just some advice as a tutor.
Answers to your task below.
1. Put in
2. Come up with
3. Look into
4. Break down
5. Cut off
6. Get through
7. Come on
1. put in
2. come up with
3. look into
4. break down
5. cut off
6. get through
7. come on