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Margita Č.
anglický jazyk

Pomoc s úlohou z angličtiny

Prosím pomôcť s úlohou z angličtiny, ďakujem.
Úloha 6

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3 відповідей
Tak ten prvy je urcite:
“Tim is reading a book (=číta knihu), but in picture B he is on(=povedala by som “je na” alebo he has a notebook (=má notebook)”
2.oni asi sedia, tak ...are sitting, but in picture B they are playing football. (hrajú futbal)
3....are riding horses (jazdia na koňoch), but in picture B they are feeding (kŕmia tie kone) the horses.
Dúfam, že som ti pomohla
Karolína G.
Aha! A este ta tretia uloha, na tu som zabudla :) But in in picture B they are sitting under a tree. (Tie dve dievcata sedia pod stromom
Selina and Vicky are riding horses but in picture be they are feeding horses.
Hana E.
Pardon chcela som Len napisat ze tam nema byt feeding the horses ale Len feeding horses.
In Picture A, Tim is playin gon his computer, but in the second picture, he is reading a book.
In Picture A, Harry and Rob are listeninf to music, but in the picture B they are playing football.
In Picture A Selina and Vicky are horseriding but in the piicture B they are feeding the horses