Author's photo
Dominika B.
anglický jazyk


Mám to správne?

1. Im sick and tired of watching TV. Its boring!
2. You will have to tell him sooner or later. Why not now?
3. Im going for a long walk today, rain or shine.
4. Wow! The kitchens so clean and tidy! Nice work!
5. I taught myself to paint, learning by black and blue.
6. Just a minute. I have more or less fisnihed this report.
7. Look! Heres a box of odds and ends from our old flat.
8. I fell and hurt my knee. It was trial and error for ages.

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3 відповідей
Zdravím, vymenil som 5. vetu s 8. vetou čiže
5. I taught myself to paint, learning by trial and error
8. I fell and hurt my knee. It was black and blue for ages.
black and blue - má v slovenčine prenesený význam a veta znamená:
8. Spadol som a zranil som si koleno. Bol som dlho samá modrina
Ostatné vety by mali byť v poriadku.
Ahoj, ja si myslim ze mas vsetko spravne len treba vymenit 5 za 8
1,2,3, 4, 6,7 correct
5: trial and error
8 : black and blue
:) good job!