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Patrícia H.
anglický jazyk


Prosím vas, vie mi niekto poslať odpovede na toto cvičenie?

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2 відповідей
Dobrý deň.

Upravil som iba slovo "much" na "enough". Osobne to dáva väčší zmysel.

1.Do you get colds often? How many colds have you had in the last three months?
2. Are you taking any vitamins or supplements at the moment? How long are you taking them?
3. Do you drink enough water? How many glasses have you drunk today?
4. Do you do any exercise? What? How long are you doing it?
5. Do you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables? How many portions have you had today?
6. Do you walk to school (or work or university)? How far have you walked today?
7. How many hours do you sleep a night? Have you slept well recently?
8. Are you allergic to anything? Have you ever had a serious allergic reaction?

1. Do you often get colds? How many colds have you had in the last three months?
2. Are you taking any vitamins or supplements at the moment How long have you been taking them?
3. Do you dring much water? How many glasses have you drunk today?
4. Do you do any exercise? What? How long have you been doing it for?
5. Do you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables? How man portions have you had today?
6. Do you walk to school? How far have you walked today?
7. How many hours do you sleep a night? Have you been sleeping well recently?
8. Are you allergic to anything? Have you ever had a serious allergic reaction?