Maros S.

Maros S.

Responds within 30 hrs, to 60% of messages
60% 30 hr

Maros S.

Preferred times: mornings, midday, evenings, weekend
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Zijem v Severnej Amerike (Canada) vyse 20 rokov, pracujem ako manager v korporacii. Vylepsim hlavne vasu vyslovnost a zvysim vase sebavedomie v komunikacii. Sustredujem sa na odburanie "conversation inhibitors" ktore su typicke pre slovakov: spodobovanie, nespravne hlaskovanie nespravne pouzite slovne zvraty atd.
Anglictina ma bavi a vlastne zivi; zacal v 12-tich este za sociku na sukromnych hodinach neskor na gymnaziu a na zahranicnej vysokej skole. Pouzivam anglictinu denne, odbornu aj vseobecnu; pisomnu aj hovorenu. Mam Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (1995) a Univerzitnu Anglictinu z Kanady

Chcem takto pomoct slovakom zlepsit sa v jazyku, ktory uz dneska treba jednoducho ovladat. Velmi ma udivuje, ze aj po vyse 20 tich rokoch od revolucie je hovorova anglictina medzi Slovakmi na relativne nizkej urovni. A to neplati len pre Slovensko; aj tuna v Canade je velmi vela dlhodobo zijucich Slovakov ktorich anglicina je na dost zakladnej urovni. Dovodov je viacej, ale hlavny je ten ze nevenuju rozvoju anglictiny pozornost; mam na to svoj nazor preco to tak je, ale ten tu teraz nechcem rozoberat. V kazdom pripade zastavam nazor, ze anglictinu sa treba naucit poriadne a to sa da. Len clovek musi mat usilovnost a pomoc.
Ale asi bude lepsie prehodit na Anglictinu, aby som sa lepsie vyjadril…

I can imagine that you have invested a lot of time and effort in learning English yet you are not able to use it “at will”. You struggle to express ideas, thoughts or opinions in a meaningful and coherent structure. No wonder; you were most likely taught by some teacher who used to teach Russian and who never set their foot in an English speaking country. Or perhaps your teacher had Statnu Skusku z Anglictiny and thought their English was great until they met a native speaker and it went downhill from there…
Either way, I think I know and understand your frustrations over lack of opportunities to practise your English. Just like you I started learning English in Slovakia and just like you I felt I was getting nowhere. I know how hard it is to learn English “back home”. Sure, you can learn the grammar, vocabulary and other ins and outs of the English in Slovakia but when it comes to gaining confidence in using English in the everyday situations you are stuck in "no man's land". The only way to put it al together is to practise it. I do support the idea that the best way to learn English is to use it frequently in formal or informal conversations with a native speaker. It is however easier said than done. There are not many of such opportunities in Slovakia and those available are rather limited and irregular.
Over the Skype conversation can provide you with an opportunity to speak English and have it corrected at your own pace at your own time and at your skill level. I am not a native speaker but I am not a Slovakian teacher either. More so, with me you are getting a benefit of solid English conversation with a Slovakian flavor; if need be I can explain nuances, grammar or idioms in Slovakian. Whether you are interested in being able to “shoot the breeze” over a beer with your buddies or are keen on being able to present and support an argument in a more formal setting I can help. Even if you are preparing for a job interview and want to polish your English to be able land the position of your dreams I can help. I have worked as a recruiter for many years and I have sat on many interviews on both sides of the table.
Regardless of your motivation to improve your English the first 15 minutes are free!

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Maros S.

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