Mia S.

Mia S.

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Mia S.

Preferred times: evenings, weekend
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My name is Mia and I just turned 8. I live in Nanaimo, Canada with my Slovakian parents, my older brother Mattias, Vincent the lazy Yorkie , Kiwi and Einstein the fighting budgies , four chickens  (they actually don’t have names, but don’t tell them that) and a guppy fish. I like animals, especially cats, reading in bed and typing on my typewriter. I like playing my violin but practicing it is hard. I also like swimming and hanging out with my girlfriends and socializing, a lot! I also like chocolate cake and fancy drinks. And did I say I love cats?

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Katarína K.

Katarína K.

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Mia je veľmi šikovná "učiteľka". Komunikuje s mojou 10-rocnou dcérkou, dcérke sa hodiny páčia, Mia si pripraví aj nejakú hru, prípadne novú slovnú zásobu. Veľmi chválim komunikáciu. Môžem takúto mladučkú ale veľmi šikovnú doučovateľku iba odporučiť. ☺