Eva S.

Eva S.

Responds within 24 hrs, to 40% of messages
40% 24 hr

Eva S.

Let's improve your English! :)

Preferred times: midday, evenings, weekend
Tutoring subjects:
Description References Photos & Certificates


Hi there!

Over 9 years ago I started my journey to actively improve my English and now, I would like to help you on your journey to perfect yours.

What can I offer you?

English conversations - I was living as an expat for over 8 years in countries like Australia, UK, Austria or Denmark, where I also worked as a communications specialist for international organisations.

Grammar training - I completed TOEFL test (112/120) and English's states exam (level C2, with honors) and know a thing or two about English grammar

References (1)

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Barbora K.

Barbora K.

Unverified reference

S Evkou sme zacali zlepsovat moje konverzacne schopnosti, kedze som potrebovala trochu "rozviazat jazyk". Evka je velmi mila a ma super pristup, vzdy sa snazi dostat zo seba maximum. Vyhovuje mi, ze pocas rozhovoru si vsima moje nedostatky a na tie sa potom zameriavame a precvicujeme a vzdy mi problem vysvetli aj z gramatickej stranky, co si potom viem ovela lahsie zapamatat. Na nase konverzacne hodiny sa vyslovene tesim, cas vzdy ubehne velmi rychlo :)

pictures and certificates