Rastislav H.

Rastislav H.

Responds within 9 hrs, to 60% of messages
60% 9 hr

Rastislav H.

Študent informatiky - doučovanie matematiky a programovania, konverzácia AJ a NJ

Preferred times: mornings, evenings, weekend
Description Answered questions


Študujem informatiku na Uni Wien a rád vysvetľujem veci, ktoré ma bavia. Viem doučiť matematiku (od ZŠ po maturitu), programovanie (Pascal, C, C++, PHP, Java,...), hovorím plynulo nemecky a anglicky. Viem teda doučiť aj v týchto jazykoch (chodil som na gymnazium Bilikova do nemeckej triedy).

Computer Science student at the University of Vienna. I like to teach people things I am passionate about. I have some math and computer science skills - I can teach elementary-high school maths, basics of programming (Pascal, C, C++, Java, PHP,...). I speak english and german fluently - teaching i possible in these languages as well. Conversations in english/german are also no problem.

Answered questions (1)

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Rastislav H.


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