Zayn C.

Zayn C.

Responds within 48 hrs, to 60% of messages
60% 48 hr+

Zayn C.

Learn English with native English

  • Offers online lessons
  • From  24 €/hr
  • Preferred times: midday, evenings, weekend
Price From 24 €/hr
Preferred times: midday, evenings, weekend


What is a good teacher? Isnt it, thats the one who brings knowledge you didnt have, also who broaden your knowledge subjectively and culturally.
I started my teaching career in Cyprus. After few years of teaching there i moved to Slovakia and finished my Master’s degree in Slovakia. I taught in Slovakia for couple of years and then moved to the UK where i taught and gained my Qualified teaching certificate which means i do not need any other certification to teach anywhere in the world especially English as I have what the highest I can adapt as a teacher after completing my PhD in English literature from the university of Hertfordshire.
I can speak Urdu, English and Slovak.
I can make conversations with students of all ages, teach English as a language (Grammar) to all level of students and Skype lesson ideally.
Any further questions please do not hesitiate to contact me and we can take it from there.
Thank you

Som za anglicka a som ucitel anglicky a ucil som na Gymnazium Bratislave .Mam 15 rokcny prax a mam PhD v uceni jazyky.
Doucujem anglicinu vsetkych aj vo firmach a slovencinu cudzincov
Mojich hodinach, vysvetlim jazyk, gramatika, praktizujeme, cvicime a na konci konverzujeme.
Robim aj konverzacne hodiny pre dospelych aj doucujem cez skype.
Pripravujem na FCe aj CAE kurzy.
Co je vyhodne o mne ze som za Bristol, UK, viem aj slovencinu a poznam aby dve kulturny

Lesson types

Štandardná lekcia

23,55 € / 55 min

pictures and certificates