Adriana V.

Adriana V.

Responds within 18 hrs, to 100% of messages
100% 18 hr
Accepts new students

Adriana V.

Accepts new students

Slovak language, slovenčina pre Slovákov i cudzincov

Price From 18 €/hr


Momentálne z časových dôvodov neberiem nových študentov.
I am not currently offering new lessons at the moment due to time reasons.
(V každom prípade som inak dostupná na LinkedIn - Adriana Vaculova)

Mám univerzitné vzdelanie v odbore slovenský jazyk a literatúra i vyše dvadsaťročnú prax v učení slovenčiny všetkých stupňov škôl a slovenčiny ako cudzieho jazyka. Som schopná učiť aj online cez Skype alebo ZOOM. Prípadné otázky veľmi rada zodpoviem v správe a viem zaslať aj referencie.

I have a university degree in Slovak language and I have reached unique practical experience and skills with teaching students Slovak language, Slovak literature and History. I have experience of working with different age groups of people - youth and adults too. I taught employees of foreign embassies in Bratislava Slovak language as a foreign language. In my carier I taught English speaking clients, German speaking clients but I also taught clients who could not speak any of preferred world languages. I am able to teach through skype or ZOOM. I speak a little Spanish and I speak English. However, I teach by direct method, so I do not need to master the language of the student. (I am also on LinkedIn.)

Lesson types

Štandardná lekcia

18 € / 55 min