Viliam V.

Viliam V.

Responds within 8 hrs, to 100% of messages
100% 8 hr

Viliam V.

Veda a programovanie po anglicky s dobrou náladou

  • Offers online lessons
  • Preferred times: midday, evenings, weekend
Preferred times: midday, evenings, weekend
Description Answered questions


Som stredoškolák na bilinguálnom gymnaziu. Ovladám agličtinu akoby druhý rodný jazyk a viem v nej vysvetliť čokolvek od matematiky po Python.

Dopĺňam moje doučovania skicami a učím tak, aby niečo v hlave ostalo aj po skúškach. :)

* * *

I'm a high school student of a bilingual gymnasium. I speak English as if it was my second mother tongue and I can teach anything from mathematics to Python in it.

I supplement my tutoring with sketches and I try to teach so you'll still understand it even after you sit your exams. :)


Moj Github kde mam programovacie projekty:

Answered questions (2)

This tutor has helped to answer these study questions

Viliam V.


Prosim, ako mam vypocitat zadane ulohy?

Viliam V.


Dobry den! Chcela by som sa podelit s jednym anglictinarskym orieskom. Dnes som totiz zazila mensiu pru s mojim vyucujucim, tak by som rada do hry prizvala tretiu osobu:). Vo vete: “They have spoken portuguese in this island for four centuries.” sme mali vyhladat podmet (they) a predmet, za ktory…