Steven G. Verified identity

Steven G.

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Steven G.

Accepts new students

Fun English lessons with an very experienced Native English speaker

Price From 25 €/hr
Preferred times: mornings, midday
Description Lesson types Answered questions


I offer private English lessons in Bratislava or Trnava. Learn or improve your English with me, a very experienced native English speaker. I am very easy to understand, with Standard English pronunciation. Private English lessons can be on a one-on-one basis but group lessons are also possible, however the rate will increase accordingly. All the lessons are designed to meet your requirements so you will improve quickly.

My lessons are fun, friendly and relaxed, but with quality content, which I believe is the best combination for learning. The lessons can be one hour to two hours long, and we can meet as often as you like. Friendly and patient teacher offers: Professional prepared lessons, homework given after every lesson (if wanted), conversation practice, English grammar, essays checked for mistakes of grammar & punctuation, reading, writing, listening & speaking practice.

Lesson types

Štandardná lekcia

25 € / 60 min

Answered questions (5)

This tutor has helped to answer these study questions

Steven G.

prosím veľmi pekne pomosť z ulohou

Chcem aby mi niekto pomohol z du z anj prosím.

Steven G.

Doučovanie anglického jazyka

Dobrý deň, hľadám doučovanie pre môjho 10 ročného syna z anglického jazyka. Uprednostňujem osobné doučovanie nakoľko sme už prekonali koronavírus a sme pravidelne testovaní. Za spätné väzby vopred ďakujem a budem rada ak mi dáte vedieť na tel.č: 0910630100.

Steven G.

Domáca úloha

Dobrý deň toto je domáca úloha ktorú som dostal. Mám ju už hotovú ale potrebujem ju skontrolovať lebo z niečím som si nebol istý. Ďakujem.

Steven G.

ako spravne povedat "uhorkova sezona" po anglicky

Ako poviem po anglicky vyraz "momentalne je uhorková sezóna" nedarí sa?

Steven G.


Dobrý deň , prosím vás o kontrolu nejakých gramatických chýb nakoľko mi angličtina veľmi nejde ,ale snažil som sa. Ďakujem vopred. Bird Box - film review Firstly I would like to start with some basic informations about this film. Bird box is a 2018 American post-apocalyptic horror film directed…