Eva T.

Eva T.

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Accepts new students

Eva T.

Accepts new students

English tutoring =)

  • Offers online lessons
  • From  25 €
  • Preferred times: mornings, midday, evenings, weekend
Price From 25 €
Preferred times: mornings, midday, evenings, weekend
Tutoring subjects:
Description Lesson types Answered questions


Hi my name is Eva, I went to an english speaking school abroad, have english qualifications and a bachelor's degree in law which i have from the UK and I am currently completing a Masters. I am completely bilingual (slovak/english) and I am offering tutoring in conversational english or any type of spoken english and any writing assignments for school/possibly university.

Dobry den, volam sa Eva, od malicka chodim do anglickej skoly v zahranici a mam vystudovane pravo v anglicku a skotsku. Som uplne bilingvalna a ponukam doucovanie hlavne v konverzacnej anglictine, vsetkych stupnov. Nie je problem ani pomoct s alebo opravit pisomne prace do skoly/ prace.

Tesim sa na Vas =)

Lesson types

Štandardná lekcia

25 € / 55 min

Answered questions (1)

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Eva T.


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