Omneya S.

Omneya S.

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Omneya S.

Best Chemistry & Math tutoring

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I am head of Science department in an international school in Bratislava. I specialize in tutoring Science, and chemistry for middle and high school and Math for middle school.

I have graduated from Faculty of Pharmacy and I hold a master degree in Pharmaceutical chemistry. I have been working as a university instructor for a bristish accredit university for years; teaching Oragnic and Pharmaceutical chemistry.

I have also 5 years of experience teaching chemistry and science (American Diploma, IGCSE, MYP and IB both standard and high levels).

I am also happy to teach Organic and Pharmaceutical chemistry for university level students.

I teach with great passion for Chemistry and patience with my students considering their different backgrounds. I am happy to say many of my students tell me they started to love chemistry after i started teaching them.

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Omneya S.


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