Daniela K.

Daniela K.

Responds within 48 hrs, to 30% of messages
30% 48 hr+

Daniela K.

To learn a language is to have one more window to look at the world.

Price From 11 €
Preferred times: mornings, midday, evenings, weekend
Description Lesson types Answered questions


moje meno je Daniela a ponúkam doučovanie angličtiny. Mám vyštudované učiteľstvo anglického jazyka a literatúry a biológie na Trnavskej univerzite v Trnave. Viac ako rok som strávila v Londýne, kde som poctivo obohacovala a rozvíjala svoju angličtinu. Doučovanie môže prebiehať osobne alebo online. S deťmi mám odmalička veľmi dobrý vzťah, takže myslím, že si budem rozumieť nie len s dospelými, ale aj deťmi.
Ak som ťa zaujala, neváhaj a napíš ;)

Lesson types

Štandardná lekcia

11 € / 55 min

Answered questions (2)

This tutor has helped to answer these study questions

Daniela K.

preklad textu

Môžem poprosiť o preklad? Ďakujem. One of the new looks for taxonomy within digital games could be tagging instead of outdated categorizing inside boxes that doesn’t fit. As we mentioned before, games evolved in massive cultural artefacts, which can be played and enjoyed differently. More like a…

Daniela K.

preklad textu

Môžem poprosiť o preklad? Ďakujem. One of the new looks for taxonomy within digital games could be tagging instead of outdated categorizing inside boxes that doesn’t fit. As we mentioned before, games evolved in massive cultural artefacts, which can be played and enjoyed differently. More like a…