Nico G.

Nico G.

Responds within 48 hrs, to 67% of messages
67% 48 hr+
Accepts new students

Nico G.

Accepts new students

Help with German and English conversations

  • Offers online lessons
  • From  13 €/hr
Price From 13 €/hr


Hello, I'm Nico, a 20-year-old from Switzerland. I'm fluent in both German and English. Living in Switzerland, a country known for its stunning landscapes and multilingual environment, has greatly enriched my language skills. Beyond just conversational ability, I've developed a deep appreciation for cultural nuances.

In addition to my linguistic proficiency, I'm passionate about helping others navigate the intricacies of conversation. Whether it's discussing cultural differences, language learning tips, or simply engaging in interesting dialogues, I'm here to contribute to meaningful conversations. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if there's anything I can assist you with!
Please conntact me on instagram

Lesson types

Štandardná lekcia

13 € / 55 min