Olga V.

Olga V.

Responds within 46 hrs, to 60% of messages
60% 46 hr

Olga V.

Price From 20 €
Preferred times: mornings, midday, evenings, weekend
Description Lesson types Answered questions


Doucujem rozne levely studentou, native speaker ale viem aj po slovensky, co je vyhodou.

Lesson types

Štandardná lekcia

20 € / 55 min

Answered questions (3)

This tutor has helped to answer these study questions

Olga V.

Anglický jazyk sloh

Dobrý deň vedel by niekto prosím Vás pomôcť napísať sloh na túto tému môže to byť aj opis Vianoc, Veľkej noci, svadby zadanie The descrition of the event My favourite festival in our family - preparation for the festival - the descrition of the event itself - the end of the event and feelings

Olga V.


Dobry den, rad by som sa spytal, aky je rozdiel medzi slovickami PREMISE a PRESUMPTION, lebo slovnik to nevie dostatocne prelozit a anglicke definicie mi nedavaju exaktnu odpoved. Dakujem

Olga V.


Dobrý deň potrebovala by som pomôcť s touto úlohou.