Petra B.

Petra B.

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Petra B.

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Mám 18 rokov, chodím na bilingválne gymnázium v Košiciach a práve som sa vrátila z ročného výmenného pobytu v Anglicku. Rada sa podelím o svoje skúsenosti a doučím ťa.

References (1)

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Robert M.

Robert M.

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Prijemna dievcina, deti si ju chvalili.

Answered questions (1)

This tutor has helped to answer these study questions

Petra B.


Mám to správne? Ďakujem. 1. Im sick and tired of watching TV. Its boring! 2. You will have to tell him sooner or later. Why not now? 3. Im going for a long walk today, rain or shine. 4. Wow! The kitchens so clean and tidy! Nice work! 5. I taught myself to paint, learning by black and blue…