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Separable and inseparable phrasal verbs

Aký je medzi nimi rozdiel ? Ako pochopiť rozdiel ktoré sú ktoré ? Ďakujem

2 answers
Separable phrasal verbs:
Sú to slovesa, pri ktorých môžeš tu frázu doslova rozdeliť iným slovom.
Príklad: to let out
I have to let this out.
Slovo ‘this’ rozdeľuje ten phrasal verb.

Inseparable verbs:
Toto sú frázy, ktoré su vždy pri sebe vo vete a nedajú sa inými slovami rozdeliť.
Príklad: to look for
I have to look for this.
Nesprávne- I have to look this for.

Dúfam, že aspoň trochu ti to pomôže takto stručne.
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Áno, ďakujem
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Separable phrasal verbs can be separated by another word (object, noun, pronoun).
For example:
1. Cheer up. (To feel happier)
Cheer him up.
Cheer Jerry up.
Cheer up, it’s not the end of the world.

2. Back up. (To support)
Back it up with something.
She needs some back up!
Back me up!

3. Calm down. (To feel more relaxed)
We need to calm ourselves down!
Calm Marcus down.
He needs to calm down!

Inseparable phrasal verbs CANNOT be separated or split by another word (object, noun, pronoun)
For example:
1. Keep up with (To maintain a pace/Not left behind)
Keeping up with the Kardashian’s.
Athletes need to keep up with their diets.
He found it difficult to keep up with the rest of the class.

2. Hang around. (To socialise)
Hang around those guys and you might lose an eye!
That dog always hangs around here.
I don’t want to hang around the club anymore!

3. Come across (To find accidentally or unplanned)
The police came across a fresh corpse last night.
She came across it by chance.
The unnamed woman rescued the four-year-old after coming across the accident scene.