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Margita Č.
anglický jazyk

Pomoc s úlohou z angličtiny

Prosím pomôcť s úlohou z angličtiny, ďakujem.

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4 answers
Account deleted Mother usually vacuums the floor Father normally loads the dishwasher after dinner Brother never takes the dog for a walk
5. We take out recycling every day
6.craig sometimes goes swimming in the morning
Ahoj, jedná sa o slovosled. V angličtine platí pravidlo : osoba sloveso predmet prislovka spôsobu, miesta a času. Ak je tam aj frekvencna prislovka, tak ide pred plnovyznamove sloveso.
My Mother usually vacuums the floor.
My dad normally loads the dishwasher after dinner.
My brother never takes the dog for a walk.
We take out the recycling every day.
Craig sometimes goes swimming in the morning.
Pekný večer, Zuzana
Prepáč, že odpisujem takto neskoro, ale ak domácu úlohu nepotrebuješ na zajtra, veľmi rada by som ti pomohla.
2. otázka: My mother usually vacuums the floor.
3: My dad normally loads the dishwasher after dinner.
4: My brother never takes a dog for a walk.
5: We everyday take out the recycling.
6: Craig sometimes goes swimming in the morning.

Najskôr ide podstatné meno, resp. osoba, potom príslovka, sloveso a na konci doončíš vetu. Dúfam, že som ti pomohla. Pekný zvyšok večera prajem S pozdravom Sára. :)
Good Day
I guess all the below mentioned answers are correct.
english is easy.
take it easy.