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anglický jazyk

Present continuous and Present simple

Prosím o pomoc s domácou úlohou.
Poprípadne aj vysvetlenie.

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3 answers
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Ahoj Jakub,

Tu to mas:

I am using it. Prave teraz- vzdy ked hovorime o niecom co sa deje ‘at the moment, right now, these days, etc’ pouzivame priebehovy cas.
I need it. Slovesa, ktore vyjadruju stavy a nie ‘actions’ sa malokedy pouzivaju v priebehovom case. Pozor na vynimky.

What does he want? Sloveso opisujuce stav.
Why is he looking at us? Prave teraz sa na nas pozera- to look at it’s an action verb.
…,but nobody believes him. detto – stavove sloveso
, but I don’t / can’t remember it right now. can’t ak ste brali modalne slovesa- je to synonymicke. Napriek tomu, ze je to ‘right now’ je to sloveso ktore neopisuje fyzicku aktivitu.

I am thinking about selling my car… je to process ktory sa deje prave teraz.

I think you should sell your car. Nerozmyslam o tom stale, toto je iba rada/navrh.

You don’t use it very often. Nepouzivas ho casto- ak hovorime o habitualnej cinnosti ktoru vykonavame opakovanie (habits, routine…) vzdy pouzijeme present simple.

Air consists of mainly… Fakty/ vseobece pravdy su vzdy v pritomnom jednoduchom case.

Odporucam sa kuknut na:

Dufam, ze som ti pomohla Jakub. ☺ Ak by si si nasiel cas mi napisat kratku recenziu, bolo by to velmi napomocne. Vrela vdaka vopred.

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Pridanie komentara mozes najst pod mojim profilom. ;)
Andrea J.
Milá Radka, Ja Vám garantujem, že si Jakub iba odpísal odpovede a ostatné nečítal. :) Takto sa anglicky určite nenaučí
Jakub, aspon sa pokús to to vypracovať, potom Ti to rada opravím.
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on žiadal aj o vysvetlenie :)
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Hi Jakob,
Firstly you use present simple when you are talking about something you usually/ normally do. E.g I sit on a chair.
You use present continuous when you are doing something now.
E.g I am sitting on a chair (presne teraz)

So your answers would be :
1. I am using it. (Present cont.) because the person is (now) using it.
2. I need to use it. (Present simple) because the person potrebuje to. Maybe not presne teraz but kviločku.

3. What does he want? (Present simple). It is third person, does (I do, you do, he does, she does etc. )

4. Why is he looking at us? (Present continuous). Teraz he is looking at you. If it is presne teraz it is present continuous.

5. Alan says he is 80 years old, but nobody believes him. (Present simple)
it isn’t presne teraz he is tellibg people but Alan normally tells people he is 80 so it is Present simple. Again third person because Alan is not you or I, it is he (on) so the word believe ends in -s.

6. She told me her name but I don’t remember it now.
Don’t is used in I, you, we, you plural, they. He , she , it , changes to doesn’t in third person. So if she writes I , you use don’t. The words do, don’t, does, doesn’t is used in the Present simple tense, but in present continuous you use is, isn’t, are, aren’t.

7. I am thinking of selling my car.
It is present continuous because right now (presne teraz) he/she is thinking of selling his/her car.

8. I think you should sell your car. / you don’t use it very often. (Present simple). It is my opinion that you should sell your car. Nie presne teraz.

9. Air consists mainly of nitrogen and oxygen. (Present simple) it is normal it isn’t just right now so it must be Present simple and it must be in third person consist-s because it isn’t you or I, it is it.

I hope this helps. Good luck