Passive : advanced structures

Mám vetu It's known that there were early human settlements near natural salt deposits. Potom mam There ________________________ near natural salt deposits.
Mam tam daco doplnit a ta veta znamena to iste ako ta prva a mam tam pouzit passive of know,think,believe... to je cvicenie a dalej je tam veta Soldiers in the ancient Roman army are known to have received salt as part of their wages. It___________________ salt as part of their wages. a mam tam doplnit daco podla zadania.

3 answers
Tak to prve je tazsie a moze to zniet asi aj takto:There are believed to be early human settlements near...
A druhe: It is known that the soldiers in the ancient Roman army have received...
Or It is believed that.... A pokracovanie to iste
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1. It's known that there were early human settlements near natural salt deposits.
1. There are believed to be early human settlements near natural salt deposits. - ako napísala SONA U. vyssie.

2. Soldiers in the ancient Roman army are known to have received salt as part of their wages.
2. It is known that soldiers in the ancient Roman army received salt as part of their wages.

1. Ako Soňa uviedla vyššie, len v tomto prípade, ide o poznatky, tak nepracovať so slovesami believe a think, čiže potom: There´s known to be early human ....
2. It´s known that soldiers in the Roman army received salt as part ...