Ashlee S.

Ashlee S.

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Prijíma študentov

Ashlee S.

Prijíma študentov

Certified Native English Tutor with 10 years Business Experience

Cena Od 15 €
Preferované časy: doobeda, poobede
Doučuje predmety:


I am a native, English speaking teacher who loves travelling, the outdoors, and learning about people from around the world. I love to go trail running in the beautiful forests of Slovakia where I am currently living with my wife and dog. I am in the process of learning Slovak and enjoy being a student of a new language, so can relate to being in the beginning stages of language learning. Both my wife and I love to travel and have been to some incredible countries around the world. I am excited to learn more about you, your culture and help you become an English-speaking ROCKSTAR!

Typy lekcií

Štandardná lekcia
15 € / 55 min

Fotky a certifikáty