Armin G.
Odpovedá do 10 hodín, na 100% správArmin G.
Affordable English online classes.
- 41 odučených lekcií
- Doučuje aj online
- Od 12 €
- Preferované časy: doobeda, večer, víkend
I am an international teacher who is currently based in Istanbul, Turkey. I have been teaching English here for more than 2 years. I specialize in IELTS and GRE, which are essential exams if someone wishes to get admission to a university in the U.S. I can also help you with your general English. I use Skype, and Zoom to hold my classes.
Typy lekcií
Trial lesson
Štandardná lekcia
English conversation for adults
Intermediate, upper intermediate and advanced students can participate in this type of class.
General English for adults
Based on course books which are taught in modern education systems, you can reach a suitable level of fluency in English.
You can master your skills before taking the exam.
Referencie (1)
+ Pridať referenciuPeter K.
8 odučených lekciíVýborný a vnímavý lektor. Pripravuje hodiny vždy podľa potrieb študenta. Výhodou je, že je zo zahraničia a tak sa študent musí vždy vynájsť v angličtine. Môžem na 100% odporučiť.