Robert Z.

Robert Z.

Odpovedá do 48 hodín, na 50% správ
50% 48 hod+
Prijíma študentov

Robert Z.

Prijíma študentov

English Lessons and Conversation Practice with a Native Speaker

  • Doučuje aj online
  • Od  24 €
  • Preferované časy: doobeda, poobede, večer
Cena Od 24 €
Preferované časy: doobeda, poobede, večer
Doučuje predmety:


A native of the US, I have been teaching English of all levels in Bratislava and online for almost 10 years. I will build a custom plan to for your specific needs, correct "Slovak English" and improve your overall confidence and abilities.

Typy lekcií

Štandardná lekcia

24 € / 55 min