Matheus S.

Matheus S.

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Skúšobná lekcia zadarmo

Matheus S.

Skúšobná lekcia zadarmo

English & Portuguese (BR) native speaker

  • 1 odučená lekcia
  • Doučuje aj online
  • Od  20 €
  • Preferované časy: doobeda, večer
Cena Od 20 €
Preferované časy: doobeda, večer
Popis Typy lekcií Referencie



My name is Matheus,
Currently living in Zilina (central), originally born in Brazil, with dual British citizenship.

I lived in England for nearly 20 years. I have a native British/Oxford English accent.
Whilst in England, I've gone through secondary & high education (College) achieving high grades (equivalent to A levels). During my studies I have various subject, mostly based on English communication, Criminal psychology, Military Law, Sports and coaching.
My work experience range from restaurant management, Banking industry and project management within Business Operations field. I use Business English (both written & spoken) on a daily basis.

Whether you are simply looking for easy English conversation, help with grammar, or business-related emails, I can help.
Not to forget I also speak Brazilian Portuguese (mother-language), in case of any interest.

- First lesson is always free.
- I offer coaching classes based on my extensive knowledge from having lived, studies and working in UK.
- You must be able to know and have basic understanding.
- I do not teach English, rather coach English.
- I do not speak Slovak very well (still learning), I would prefer communication done in English, thank you for your understanding.
- Business English focused.

Looking forward to connect.
Matheus Santos

Typy lekcií

Trial lesson

Zadarmo / 45 min
Štandardná lekcia

20 € / 60 min

Referencie (1)

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Matheus je najlepší učiteľ akého som mohla stretnúť. Je veľmi trpezlivý a všetko jasne vysvetlí. Vždy sa teším na ďalšiu hodinu a vždy sa naučím niečo nové, je to neustály progres. Odporúčam všetkým, ktorí sa chcú naučiť hovoriť po anglicky a komunikovať bez ostychu. Takto má vyzerať vyučovanie anglického jazyka, nie je to vyučovanie o jazyku, ale učíme sa anglický jazyk . A keďže mám už jeden jazyk zvládnutý na úrovni C1 - C2, tak viem objektívne vyjadriť hodnotenie. Top!!