Matt K.

Matt K.

Prijíma študentov

Matt K.

Prijíma študentov

Practise English with me :)

  • Doučuje aj online
  • Od  8 €
  • Preferované časy: poobede, večer, víkend
Cena Od 8 €
Preferované časy: poobede, večer, víkend


Hey :)

My name is Matt. I am Greek and I live in Bratislava. I have lived for 10 years in English speaking countries. I have lived for 5 years in UK and for 5 years in Malta. I have worked in big multicultural companies. In UK I did my Masters in Sports Management. I would be glad to help you to practise and learn English with me at a great price :) I can teach Greek also.


Typy lekcií

Štandardná lekcia

8 € / 55 min