Kateryna K.

Kateryna K.

Odpovedá do 48 hodín, na 100% správ
100% 48 hod+
Prijíma študentov

Kateryna K.

Prijíma študentov

Young and motivating tutor in Bratislava

  • Doučuje aj online
  • Od  11 €
  • Preferované časy: doobeda, poobede, večer, víkend
Cena Od 11 €
Preferované časy: doobeda, poobede, večer, víkend
Doučuje predmety:


I am Katya. The things I like most are learning and teaching languages, for sure.
My homeland is Ukraine, but recently I moved to Slovakia. Having started learning the local language, I more than anyone else can relate to the feeling of frustration and incomprehension that language learners may face. But I am here for you to help you cope with all these difficulties and to share the incredible pride and joy of finally being able to communicate in a foreign language.

I started my English teaching career more than 2 years ago in a local language learning school, but currently I teach only online. I always consider the student's individual preferences and interests while developing classes, as well as incorporate thematic videos, songs, and interactive materials into the program. When I create lessons, I combine different techniques to achieve language goals.

Soon I will get a bachelor's degree in English and Ukrainian Philology. Only half a year to go.

Book a lesson with me, so we could discuss your aims and objectives. So that we will productively work together to achieve them. Remember that learning something new might occasionally be challenging, but all the effort will pay off!

Typy lekcií

Štandardná lekcia

11 € / 55 min

Fotky a certifikáty