Menderes K.

Menderes K.

Prijíma študentov

Menderes K.

Prijíma študentov

Native English Tutor From Australia at a Great Price

  • Doučuje aj online
  • Od  20 €
  • Preferované časy: doobeda, poobede, večer, víkend
Cena Od 20 €
Preferované časy: doobeda, poobede, večer, víkend
Doučuje predmety:


Hi! I am a Native English Teacher from Australia with 7 years teaching experience teens and adults using Celta methodology. My achievements have been in preparing students successfully for TOEFl/IELTS exams, running speaking clubs, writing coach, general and business English. I use a fun and interactive method with students.

I enjoy fitness, travel, nature and meeting new people.

Typy lekcií

Štandardná lekcia

20 € / 55 min