Gary P. Overená identita

Gary P.

Overená identita
Prijíma študentov

Gary P.

Prijíma študentov

Native British English Tutor

Cena Od 15 €
Preferované časy: doobeda, poobede, večer, víkend
Doučuje predmety:


Hello, I'm Gary, based in Brighton, UK. I'm currently exploring Bratislava.

What got me into tutoring?
I was inspired to start tutoring to share my knowledge and help others.

How long have I been tutoring?
I've just started my tutoring journey, and I'm excited to make a positive impact.

My tutoring experience:
I believe in making learning enjoyable, with a focus on natural, engaging conversations. 

My lesson style?
I believe in a freestyle approach to learning, where our sessions feel like normal conversations. Let's learn together! 

Typy lekcií

Standard lesson
15 € / 60 min