Ma C.

Ma C.

Prijíma študentov

Ma C.

Prijíma študentov

Your fun English companion in Slovakia!

Cena Od 10 €
Preferované časy: doobeda, poobede
Doučuje predmety:
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Hey there! I am teacher Maria. I have been an experienced teacher back in my homeland, Cebu, Philippines. I have taught the English language to non-native English speakers for months, and by then, I knew I was for teaching. I have always been passionate about sharing my expertise with people, so I am excited to help you attain your goals in the English language as well. I am here to help you improve your English language learning, whether you want to learn how to speak in English or you want to improve your fluency. I am going to make it fun, I promise. I can't wait to see you in my class!

Typy lekcií

Standard lesson

10 € / 55 min

Referencie (1)

+ Pridať referenciu
Stefan T.

Stefan T.

Neoverená referencia

I warmly recommend !

Fotky a certifikáty