Igor K.

Igor K.

Accepts new students

Igor K.

Accepts new students

Anglictina - Americka (conversational)

Preferred times: mornings, midday, weekend
Description Answered questions


I’m a very friendly and positive teacher that thinks languages should be learned an easy way, by speaking.
I was rated second (by the US Embassy in 2018) as an English public speaker. My preferred way of teaching is by speaking directly with my student using only English.
Things should be done easy, wether its in teaching or space programming. After all, we were all kids at some point.

Answered questions (1)

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Igor K.

preklad textu

Dobrý deň, potrebovala by som preložiť tento kúsok text do slovenčiny. Chcem ho využiť v bakalárskej práce ale chcem si byť istá že text je preložený správne preto sa radšej spýtam tady. Ďakujem.