Darleen I.

Darleen I.

Accepts new students

Darleen I.

Accepts new students

The Easiest Conversational English Tutoring for a Great Price

  • Offers online lessons
  • From  15 €/hr
Price From 15 €/hr
Tutoring subjects:



Rád by jsi někoho s kým si můžeš procvičit Angličtinu, ale nechceš moc utrácet za různé kurzy, které pak stejně ani nefungují? Tady jsem! Původem z Filipín, ostrova s angličtinou jako oficiální jazyk. A jak se říká, praxe je nejlepší učitel. Proto bychom si povídali pouze v angličtině, já ti pomůžu s chybami, a uvidíš jak rychle se zlepšíš!


Would you like someone to practice your English with, but you don't want to spend a lot on different courses that don't even work anyway? Here I am! Originally from the Philippines, an island with English as an official language. And as they say, practice is the best teacher. That's why we would only talk in English, I'll help you with your mistakes, and you'll see how quickly you'll improve!


Lesson types

Standard lesson

15 € / 55 min