Filip L.

Filip L.

Responds within 13 hrs, to 30% of messages
30% 13 hr
Accepts new students

Filip L.

Accepts new students

Get the ball rollin'

  • Offers online lessons
  • Preferred times: mornings, midday, evenings, weekend
Preferred times: mornings, midday, evenings, weekend
Description Photos & Certificates Answered questions


Hey folks, a pleasure to meet you! Wanna get your English off the ground and fly pretty high? No need to go elsewhere, you've just found everything you need!

Now seriously. I teach people how to get ahead of the pack and show some English spark. No matter if you want to get better at grammar, writing or reading, I offer a mixture of essential skills you need to get your English ducks in a row for your future career or your foreign friend visit.
I've set my foot in London where live. It allows me to teach preferably via Google Meet or any other voice call service.

Practice makes perfect, so don't hesitate and hit me up.

pictures and certificates

Answered questions (1)

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