Ukrainian? Yes, why not!

Ukrainian? Yes, why not!

Published on: 8. 10. 2019 Author: Maria Y.

Ukrainian is very popular nowadays. Yeah I should say its difficult to learn that language but you have to do it:) Nothing is impossible.

If you visit Ukraine, you will fall in love from the first minute spending in Kyiv. Everything is so charming: ukrainian food, ukrainian language, ukrainian culture. Ukrainian people are very hardworking, ambitious and kind. You need to visit Kyiv, Lviv, Kamianets Podilskii, Odesa, Ternopil, Charkiv.

You can run your business because its good location and you can rely on ukrainian people( they are very responsible and honest). Also it very close to Slovakia so you can take a fly ticket from Bratislava to Lviv or Kyiv and you just spend one hour in the air for your way to Ukraine. Its really very close and comfortable.