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Dominika B.
anglický jazyk


Dobrý deň,
mám to správne?

Is accountable to-oversees,supervises
Is in charge of- reports to,manage,answers to

Question image
4 odpovede
Ahoj Dominika:
Accountable to: answers to, reports to
In charge of: manages, oversees, supervises :)
1. On a film set, everybody: answers/ reports/ to the director.
2. The director of photography manages/ supervises/oversees the camera and lighting crew.
In charge of SOMETHING, napriklad I am in charge of my life...
She IS ACCOUNTABLE TO the managing director (ona zodpoveda generalnemu riaditelovi)
You'll be held accountable if anything bad happens. (Budete niesť zodpovednosť, ak sa stane niečo zlé)
Michaela F.
takisto moze byt In charge of SOMEONE, The teacher in charge of the children (ucitel zodpovedny za deti)
Is accountable to (zodpovedať niekomu) - answers to, reports to
Is in charge of (mať na starosti) - manages, oversees, supervises